- 1 dojrzałe awokado
- 1 lub 2 ząbki czosnku
- 3-4 łyżeczki soku z cytryny
- odrobina soli do smaku
- Awokado umyj i obierz. Tak jak wspomniałam - jeżeli jest dojrzałe, to skóra zejdzie bez problemu po nacięciu (ja przecinam ją na cztery części, jak pomarańczę).
- Obrane awokado przetnij na pół, wyjmij pestkę i pokrój na cząstki. Jeżeli jest dojrzałe i miękkie to wystarczy widelcem rozdziabrać je na miazgę. Jeżeli jest twarde i widelec nie daje rady, to można się wspomóc wyciskarką do czosnku lub blenderem.
- Do awokadowej masy dodaj czosnek, sok z cytryny i sól. Gotowe :)
Świetnie pasuje np. do bułeczek pełnoziarnistych, w towarzystwie papryki i bazylii. W wykonaniu mojego męża wygląda to tak:
Paste with avocado
Today another minimalist recipe. I
know that from avocados you can do incredibly complicated pastes, sauces and
other wonders, but for me it is in itself so delicious that very often
I want only lightly emphasize it and not completely mask using spice and additives. There
is only one condition - that avocado has to be well ripe (at least as
far as is possible in the case of imported fruit :)) How do check it? Skin has to flex a little under the fingers with gentle pressing. Small, black spots usually are OK, but if the fruit is almost black, it
means that the avocado is either heavily battered, or overripe - in
both cases will not be good, the same like fruit hard as a rock. The last test, but already a bit after the fact, is the moment when you peel the avocado. If
the skin after incision goes without a problem, then most likely awaits us
treat :) If it, however, keeps the flesh as welded , well ... get ready for use the blender :D
- 1 ripe avocado
- 1 or 2 cloves of garlic
- 3-4 teaspoons of lemon juice
- a little bit of salt to taste
How to make:
- Wash and peel the avocado. As I said - if it is ripe, the skin come down easily when cut (I cut it into four parts as orange).
- Cut peeled avocado in half, remove the pit and cut into pieces. If it is ripe and soft then a fork will be enough to crush them to a pulp. If avocado is too hard for the fork, it can help to use garlic squeezer or blender.
- To avocado's paste add garlic, lemon juice and salt. Done :)
OdpowiedzUsuńTaaak... :)